
Forums » Feedback » Memento
possible to print notes?
Posted by Leona
19 years ago

November 12, 2004

Thanks, Tim, for a wonderfully simple but useful tool. I haven't figured out yet if there's a way to print the notes (other than copy/paste into something like Notepad, etc.).

I downloaded Memento for my boss, who's 64 and all but computer illiterate (and I'm only one notch above). It was the simplest form of "tickler file/schedule" I could think of for him. He loves it because he can leave his notes right on top, and he doesn't have to figure out how find them using Explorer. But now, I've gone out of town for a few months and left him on his own and he needs to be able to print out his notes and take them with him. (With shaky hands, he finds even the copy/paste functions difficult.)

Any help you can offer would be appreciated. Thanks again for your ingenious little tool.


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